Monte Carlo Night
Come have fun with us at the Vegas style Monte Carlo Night!
Doubletree Suites
2601 Richmond RoadLexington, KY 40509-1709
United States
* Registration open until 3/4/24 at 9:00 PM (EST)
Event Details
The Manager's Key Council is excited to invite you to attend this year's Vegas Style Monte Carlo Night! Premier Casino will host our gaming. Let's gather together once again to network and have some fun!!! Can't wait to see you there.
Ticket prices includes: Play money, dinner, dessert, and a live auction to spend your play money on with some great auction items! Cash bar will also be available.
Sleeping rooms can be booked by individuals for $119 by calling the Doubletree Suites at 859-268-0060. Let them know you are with the CKAA when calling.
For More Information:

Lexington, KY 40504 859.278.6540